Maryland Employment Attorneys – Luchansky Law

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When an employer fires an employee, the company commonly faces a difficult decision – should the employee be issued a termination letter?  In most cases where the termination is simple and straightforward, we recommend that employers not send a termination letter. Occasionally, though, sending a termination letter is a good idea.  For example, where an employee already has threatened litigation or has accused the employer of discriminatory treatment.  In such a case, the employer should send a brief letter stating the decision succinctly and noting the reason for it.  A well-drafted letter may be just the piece of evidence that helps get a wrongful termination lawsuit dismissed down the road.

If you need assistance deciding whether to send a termination letter – or whether to fire an employee in the first place – call Luchansky Law.  Our experienced Maryland employment lawyers will help you sort through the details and make the right decisions to protect your business.