Our Services
Contract Drafting and Negotiation
Well crafted and thought out contracts can make all the difference in protecting your business from a host of employee related threats.
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Disability Accommodations
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Employee Discipline and Termination
Employee terminations are never easy and they can go wrong fast. Don't let things escalate and let Luchansky Law defend your company when you need.
Handbook and Policy Review
Don't wait for issues to arise. Have the attorneys at Luchansky Law review and evaluate your workplace policies.
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Restrictive Covenants
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Pregnancy Leave and Accommodations
When employees plan or become pregnant, it is important for their employer to undrstand the law and policies that must be in place for everyone's benefit.
Security Clearances
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Workplace Harassment
Harassment in the workplace can come in many forms and can surprise many business owners. Let Luchansky Law prepare and protect your business.